Preparing for Your Brow Lift

A brow lift is an excellent tool that gives your entire face a more youthful look. Preparing for your brow lift helps to maximize your results while ensuring that the procedure is as safe as possible.

Preparing for Your Brow Lift

Every person’s preparation will be slightly different depending on their general health, habits, and medications. However, there are some standard considerations that will make it easier to discuss the specifics with your doctor in the weeks leading up to your procedure.

This brief guide covers some of the most important topics you will want to discuss. Examples of certain changes will be provided as well as the standard medical explanations. Keep in mind that your surgery preparation may look very different, so make sure to have that conversation with your eyelid surgeon in Los Angeles.

Medical Evaluation

A standard physical and complete blood panel are often a part of pre-surgical care. It may seem like a lot to you, but these examinations are the easiest way to identify abnormalities that could compromise your care.

The results in these tests will give your surgeon the knowledge they need to make your procedure as safe as possible for you. If there are any abnormalities, your surgeon may need to discuss modifications that will decrease the risks of your procedure. These may include lifestyle changes, medications, and slight alterations in their approach to the procedure.

Smoking Cessation

Nicotine is incredibly addictive, and your surgeon understands that quitting isn’t as easy as throwing away your last pack of cigarettes. In the four to six weeks prior to your brow lift in Beverly Hills, your board-certified surgeon will urge you to quit smoking if that is something you do.

This request isn’t a moral judgment. Smoking slows the healing process by limiting your body’s access to oxygen-rich blood. Of course, your surgeon would prefer that you gave up smoking entirely, but that’s not their immediate goal. Right now they just want to make sure your body can heal. A month prior to surgery and a month after is usually enough to make a huge difference in your recovery and your results.

Changes in Medication

Your surgeon will go over a list of your medications in the weeks leading up to surgery. It is important that you don’t leave anything out. Some medications, like blood thinners, may need to be modified prior to surgery. Your surgeon will work with your specialist(s) to find a treatment plan that manages existing health conditions and limits the risk of surgery.

Your surgeon will also instruct you to avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatories. These over-the-counter medications can increase the risk of bleeding, so it’s important to take the warning seriously.

Depending on your current health, your surgeon may add medications to help make surgery safer. The exact medications and doses will, of course, depend on your individual case. If you have any questions, feel free to ask for clarification from your surgeon.

Making Surgery Safer

Pre-surgical preparation helps to ensure that your brow lift is a safe procedure with a desirable result. In addition to following the exact instructions of your surgeon, you should stay hydrated and eat a nutritious diet before and after surgery.

You will likely have to go a little while without eating just before surgery, but that is normal. An empty stomach prevents you from aspirating food during the procedure, which is highly dangerous.

As always, talk to your surgeon if you have any questions. Your surgeon doesn’t expect you to be an expert, and transparency in medicine is crucial to good outcomes.

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