Tear Duct Surgery
Before and After Photo Gallery
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Up
Patient Seeing Side
This patient came to our office because she noticed that she looked a little tired but felt great. She had volume loss to her lower eyelids which usually occurs due to the natural ageing process. This was making her “bag” or lower eyelid fat pocket more visible. Hyaluronic acid filler injectables were placed along the trough area to help restore the volume loss.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Side
This patient had a blockage of his right tear duct system (nasolacrimal duct obstruction). He underwent a tear duct reconstructive surgery to help his tears drain better. The procedure he had was a dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery. An external DCR was performed in the right eyelid. A small incision was made near where the eyelid meets the nose. The post operative photograph was taken 4 months after surgery, and there is no visible scar noticeable.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.