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"Learn more about Dr. Zoumalan's Natural Looking Blepharoplasty® Technique, a modern and minimally invasive approach to eyelid rejuvenation."
Christopher Zoumalan
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Asian Eyelid Surgery
(Double Eyelid Surgery)

Dr. Zoumalan specializes in Asian eyelid surgery, also known as double eyelid surgery. Asian eyelid surgery is a type of cosmetic eyelid surgery, which Dr. Zoumalan performs on people of different ethnicities but mainly those from Asian descent. Dr. Zoumalan has a practice which caters to patients from all over Southern California (including Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego) and those who fly in from various countries (i.e. China, Korea, Philippines, Japan) for the Asian eyelid procedure. He also teaches the specific techniques of Asian eyelid surgery to other surgeons in training as a Adjunct Clinical Professor at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.



Before and After Pictures

Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids 1
Asian upper eyelid surgery to improve eyelid summetry
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids 3
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids 2
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
Asian eyelid surgery upper eyelids
After Asian eyelid surgery
After Asian eyelid surgery





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