Revisional Eyelid Surgery
Before and After Photo Gallery
This patient has moderate right lower lid retraction in addition to mild upper lid ptosis. She is unhappy with the asymmetric appearance to her lids and wished to have them corrected. She also complained of a persistent ocular irritation to the right eye which was due to the lower lid retraction she had and subsequent dry eyes.
She underwent a mild upper lid ptosis repair and a right lower lid retraction repair using a lid resuspension technique (canthoplasty) and a posterior spacer tissue graft. We were able to improve the symmetry in her lids and also alleviate her ocular symptoms and dry eye syndrome.
This patient had trauma to the right lower lid and it was unsuccessfully repaired in the past. She underwent eyelid reconstructive surgery in order to free up and excise the scar tissue and to repair the lower lid position by using a tissue graft along with lid resuspension.
This patient had prior surgery to both lowerlids which as resulted in lower lid retraction and difficulty closing her lids. She underwent eyelid reconstructive surgery in order elevate her lower lids to a more anatomically normal position. A canthoplasty (lid resuspension) with a hard palate graft (taken from the roof her mouth) was used to help keep the lower lid in a new position. A midface lift was also performed to elevate her midface and to allower her lower lids to be resuspended and supported at a more anatomically appropriate position.
She had undergone a prior blepharoplasty in the past and now had some retraction of her lower lids. Note the rounding of the corner of her left lid and the “whites” of the eyes that are showing above her lower lid. She complains of chronic dry eyes and irritation to both eyes. The lower lids where resuspended and a palate graft (tissue from the roof her mouth) was used to resupport the lower lids.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.