Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
Before and After Photo Gallery
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Up
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
This young patient underwent a lower eyelid blepharoplasty with fat repositioning to get rid of the puffiness under her eyes to appear less tired and more energetic. I also added a TCA chemical peel to improve the texture of the skin. Her results seen here are just 3 week after her surgery and she is looking amazing as she will continue to heal.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Side
Beautiful and natural results from brow lift and lower eyelid surgery. She had slight low set brows and nasal fat pad prolapse in her upper lids, and significant aging in her lower lids. Endoscopic brow lift gave her a nice improvement in her brow position. No upper lid skin was removed or necessary here. Some nasal fat pockets in her upper lids were removed though. As for her lower lids, a non visible incision approach (aka scarless/transconjunctival) was taken to remove excess fat and reposition to improve the significant hollowing she had. No filler was used post surgery in her midface either.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Up
Patient Seeing Side
Male blepharoplasty is very challenging as not only do you want to improve the significant fat prolapse but also maintain the natural look without altering the shape of the eyelid. He is just 3 weeks out and you can see a huge difference already! As he recovers the swelling will go down and pigmentary changes will continue to improve over time.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Absolutely beautiful results on this lovely patient who is only 3 weeks out from an endoscopic brow-lift in addition to an upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure with C02 laser to the lower eyelids. This is one of my signature procedures that I love to do where I am able to restore the youthful, natural look to the eyes.
Patient Seeing Straight
Beautiful new eyes after a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. She is seen here 3 months after her surgery and looking fabulous! Both excess fat and hollowing are improved through a non-visible incisional approach method. Although I cannot take credit for her change in eye color as she is wearing colored contacts in her after photo.
Patient Seeing Stright
Patient Seeing Up
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Puffiness to the under-eye area can be caused by a number of factors such as genetics or lifestyle factors. This patient seen here had some excess fat along the under-eye that we removed while repositioning the remaining fat so that there was no hollowing present. We decided to do some microneedling to the under-eye area after the excess fat was removed to help improve the texture of the skin under the eye. We are so happy with her results seen here just 3 months after her procedure.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.