Male Brow Lift
Before and After Photo Gallery
This gentleman had very heavy lids and brows and they were affecting his vision and ability to see well. Both had to be addressed in order to achieve a good result. The brow lift incisions were actually made above his eyebrows; note that you the incisions have healed incredibly well and they often look just like forehead wrinkles once they are healed. The excess skin was removed through a typical upper lid blepharoplasty approach. He has achieved a natural looking result that made him appear happier and well rested.
This young male has significant hooding of his brows and eyelids, resulting in a tired look but also some loss in his peripheral vision. Removal of eyelid skin alone would not be beneficial, in fact, could worsen his droopy brows. A modified, minimally invasive brow lift was performed in addition to an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. This procedure took 1.5 hours and was done in our office under local anesthesia. The brows were minimally lifted and excess eyelid skin was also removed at the same time. Notice the improvement in his appearance while still ensuring a natural looking result.
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Side
Patient Seeing Straight
He has excess skin in her upper lids and desired for a natural looking upper eyelid surgery. He also underwent a browlift to get the best results. Excess skin was removed on the upper lids for a more refreshed and natural appearance.
The patient desires brow lift surgery and upper lid blepharoplasty to help improve his appearance and to see better. His brows are resting lower than they should be and have worsened in position with time. A brow lift was performed to lift his brows to a higher position. Excess skin from his lids was also removed (upper lid blepharoplasty). The patient has a natural looking result and an improvement in his brow position.
This patient had very droopy lids and brows and they were affecting his peripheral vision and ability to see well. Both had to be addressed in order to achieve a good surgical result. The brow lift incisions were actually made above his eyebrows; note that you the incisions have healed incredibly well and they often look just like forehead wrinkles once they are healed. The excess skin was removed through a typical upper lid blepharoplasty approach. He has achieved a natural looking result while still looking natural and himself.
Patient Seeing Straight
Patient Seeing Side
This 72 year-old male had a mild droop to his right upper brow. It was worsening his droopy upper lids as well, so he underwent a mild lift to his right upper brow in addition to ptosis repair in order to lift his lids. An external browpexy procedure was performed to help elevate his right brow. The external browpexy incision spans 8mm just above the right upper brow near its tail. The incision heals well and is barely noticeable. He also underwent lower cosmetic eyelid surgery at the same time. Postoperative photographs were taken 3 months after surgery.
*Individual results may vary
All before and after pictures displayed are real patients who have consented to having their pictures published on our site. Individual results will vary with each patient and Dr. Christopher Zoumalan does not guarantee any outcomes of procedures shown. All pictures are meant for reference and illustrative purposes only.