Do My Under Eye Bags Require Surgery?

Under eye bags can make you look old and impact your appearance. Under eye bags refer to the puffiness or swelling that occurs under the eyes. It can look even worse if you have thinning skin or skin sagging under your eyes. This condition is common and can affect people of all ages. However, it is more common among those who are older and those who have poor lifestyle habits. If you suffer from this, you may wonder, do my under eye bags require surgery?

Do My Under Eye Bags Require Surgery?

Surgery is necessary if you want to permanently address your under eye bags. Lower eyelid surgery, also known as “lower blepharoplasty,” is a highly effective cosmetic surgical procedure that can remove under eye bags. This is the most effective treatment option for those with persistent under eye bags. The procedure involves the removal of the excess skin, fat, and/or muscle from your lower eyelid area. Not only will the procedure remove your under eye bags, but it also leaves your under eye skin smoother and firmer.

The procedure can be performed using one of two techniques, transconjunctival and transcutaneous. The type used depends on the specific needs of the patient. The transconjunctival technique involves a minor incision in the lower lid as it provides direct access to the fat pockets in the lower eye. This is best for patients who do not have a lot of excess skin under their eyes. For those with substantial skin and fat under their eyes, the transcutaneous is used. This involves a slightly larger incision to effectively remove the excess skin and fat under your eyes. The technique used will be discussed with a blepharoplasty surgeon at your consultation so you are prepared on the day of the surgery.

Candidates for Lower Eyelid Surgery

Candidates for the procedure must meet certain requirements. It is important that patients are in good overall health, are non-smokers, and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. Good candidates should also have under eye bags, including sagging skin, puffiness, wrinkles, and/or excess skin and fat under the eyes. Your skin’s elasticity is also important when it comes to the outcome of the procedure. Candidates with good skin elasticity often have great results as their skin can easily bounce back post-procedure. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your lower eyelids, consider cosmetic surgery for under eye bags. The first step in moving forward with the procedure is setting up a consultation with a skilled eyelid surgeon.

Benefits of Lower Eyelid Surgery

There are a number of benefits to lower eyelid surgery. Those with under eye bags can look much older and tired. This can negatively impact your appearance and even cause issues with your self-esteem. Consider the following benefits of lower eyelid surgery.

  • Improved Aesthetic: Lower eyelid surgery can transform your appearance and leave you looking years younger. The surgery can reduce your under eye bags, tighten loose and sagging skin, and leave the area around your under eyes smoother and firmer. This can make you look more refreshed and youthful.
  • Balanced Facial Symmetry: Lower eyelid bags can impact your facial symmetry. Oftentimes under eye bags are not even as each side of your face can look much different. Lower eyelid surgery can result in better facial symmetry.
  • Increased Confidence: Under eye bags can make you feel self-conscious as they can negatively impact your appearance. They can make you look tired, unhappy, and older than you are. Patients who have undergone the procedure have reported an increase in self-confidence due to their results.
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